Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Piedmont Vacation 2024

 Piedmont Vacation 2024

We escaped the tourist crowds in Siracusa for a few weeks recently and enjoyed cycling (and eating and drinking) at our old CycleItalia HQ, Hotel Ariotto in the Monferrato hills, just an hour from the Milan/Malpensa airport.

First, our stuff is up there. The owners kindly let us store some bikes, clothing and equipment there even though we've stopped running Piedmont Cycling Resort. The cycling's still great, the food's still wonderful and the staff is still friendly. What's not to like?

Some of the Giro stuff is still there

Three weeks to enjoy most of the routes we've mapped over the years, visit many of our favorite eateries and even explore some new venues.

Like this one! "Hic e Nunc" (Latin for here and now) was created not too long ago but their grape vines have been growing a long, long time. We'd sampled their wines a time or two but only now did we find the time to visit...

..with our friends (and long-time CycleItalia clients) Don and Cindy.

Heather was there for the first week before heading off to Greece and then  back home to Siracusa for some academic projects, but not before we enjoyed a pranzo or two, this one at one of their favorites La Ca Nova.

We'll finish with a view of the Monferrato hills. It was a great vacation and we're already making plans to return next year!
Grazie Tutti!!!

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