The friendly proprietor explained to us that quite a lot of the oil you see in bottles at the supermarket (especially in the USA) can be more than five years old! Unlike wine, olive oil does not improve with age so fresher is better though most of the Campanians think you can go too far -- as with Tuscan oil, often produced from olives not ripe enough by Campanian standards. For many the peppery taste of Tuscan oil is simply a sign of inferior oil from olives harvested too soon. But no matter where in Italy it comes from, we like to buy fresh oil from just-harvested olives, which is difficult to find in the USA unless you visit our friends at GUSTIAMO who import oil from Italy as soon as it's ready. If you've never enjoyed FRESH olive oil, you're in for a treat though you'll never again settle for the insipid stuff (at least for using raw) available at most places in the USA.
(FTC Disclaimer: The nice folks at Gustiamo give us nothing for the plug. We simply like them and their products)
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