Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Stay safe. Stay home. Demonstrate solidarity with your fellow humans.

Stay safe. Stay home. Demonstrate solidarity with your fellow humans. We're all in this together!

Posting this is not fun. Neither is staying home. Neither is spending time riding to nowhere. But too many, despite the ghastly reports of the spread of this pandemic, insist on going outside for no other reason than to enjoy riding. They're not getting groceries or medicines, they're just getting exercise and letting everyone else know they consider themselves somehow better or above the rest of us.

If THESE GUYS can stay home, so can you!

“Everyone is tired of confinement,” Bardet said Tuesday. “If pros are going to ride, amateurs will want to do it, too. And while there is talk of a drop in respect for the rules, the message would not be positive. Now is not the time for selfishness.”

“If we stay in general confinement, I don’t see why the pro cyclists could come out in complete freedom before everyone else, whereas we don’t have any competition before July,” Calmejane told L’Equipe. “At some point, you have to lead by example. Unity is also what makes us get out of the crisis without too much damage.”

Chapeau Bardet & Calmejane!!

And for those of you who insist bike shops should be considered essential services we suggest reading THIS.

Stay safe. Stay home.

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